Who We Are

Transform your event into a captivating and extraordinary experience, all within the vibrant and dynamic setting offered by our open-concept environment.

Gone are the stained carpets that dominate traditional corporate environments and in comes the bright sunlight and beautiful green space of Black Creek Park. Boasting 4500 sq ft of meeting space, the Alliance Leadership Centre prides itself on offering space that is quiet, comfortable, and flexible to the needs of you, your team, your client, and your event.

Conceived as training space, ALC has been host to board meetings, networking events, meet-and greets, as well as cutting-edge training programs for numerous organizations.

ALC is also extremely passionate about supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses that are looking for a professional space to grow their business, or simply host a meeting. Equipped for online and hybrid meetings, the space is perfect for meeting investors or having a quick touchpoint with your team.

ALC works in partnership with The Logistics Institute, an organization focused on the importance of building and training leaders in every role in every organization. You can learn more about them here.

Our Space

  • The Board Room

    Hosts 4-10 people with presentation capability and a conference room-style set up.

  • The Training Centre

    Hosts 10-30 people. The star of ALC, this easily configured space can take on whatever format of training you’re looking to provide.

  • The Event Space

    Hosts 15-30 people theatre style, classroom style and more.